The Company has an optimum combination of Executive & Non-Executive Directors on Board. The Board comprises of One Executive Director and 2 Non- Executive Independent Directors
Board Procedure:
(A) Institutionalized decision making process:
With a view to institutionalize all corporate affairs and setting up systems and procedures for advance planning for matters requiring discussion/ decisions by the Board, the Company has defined guidelines for the meetings of the Board of Directors and Committees thereof. These Guidelines seek to systematize the decision-making process at the meetings of Board/Committees, in an informed and efficient manner.
(B) Scheduling and selection of Agenda items for Board /Committee Meetings:
(i)The meetings are convened by giving appropriate advance notice after obtaining approval of the Chairman of the Board/ Committee. Detailed agenda, management reports and other explanatory statements are circulated in advance in the defined agenda format amongst the members for facilitating meaningful, informed and focused decisions at the meetings. To address specific urgent need, meetings are also being called at a shorter notice. In case of exigencies or urgency Resolutions are passed by circulation.
(ii)Where it is not practicable to attach any document or the agenda is of confidential nature, the same is tabled with the approval of CMD. In special and exceptional circumstances, additional or supplemental item(s) on the agenda are permitted. Sensitive subject matters are discussed at the meeting without written material being circulated.
(iii)The agenda papers are prepared by the concerned officials, sponsored by the concerned functional Directors and submitted for obtaining approval of the Chairman and Managing Director, well in advance. Duly approved agenda papers are circulated amongst the Board members by the Company Secretary and by the respective convener of the Committee.
(iv)The meetings of the Board/Committees are generally held at the Company’s Registered Office in Mumbai.
(v) The Board/Committee is given presentations covering Finance, Production, Operations, major Business Segments, Human Resources, Marketing, Joint Venture operations etc. of the Company and for taking on record quarterly / annual financial statements at the pre-scheduled Board/Committee meetings.
(vi) The members of the Board/Committee have complete access to all information of the Company. The Board is also free to recommend inclusion of any matter in agenda for discussion. Senior management officials are called to provide additional inputs to the items being discussed by the Board/Committee, as and when necessary.
(C) Recording minutes of proceedings at the Board Meeting:
Minutes of the proceedings of each Board/Committee meeting are recorded. Draft minutes are circulated amongst all members of the Board/ Committee for their critical appreciations and comments. The comments are incorporated in the minutes, which are finally approved by the Chairman of the Board/Committee. These minutes are confirmed in the next Board/Committee Meeting. The finalized minutes of the proceedings of the meetings are entered in the Minutes Book.
(D) Follow-up mechanism:
The guidelines for the Board/Committee Meetings facilitate an effective post meeting follow-up, review and reporting process for the action taken on decisions of the Board and Committee. Functional Directors submit follow-up Action Taken Report (ATR) on the areas of their responsibilities, at least once in a quarter, on the decisions/ instructions/directions of the Board.
(E) Compliance:
Every functional Director while preparing the agenda notes is responsible for and is required to ensure adherence to all the applicable provisions of law, rules, guidelines etc. The Company Secretary has to ensure compliance to all the applicable provisions.A Quarterly Compliance Report (collected from all work centers) confirming adherence to all the applicable laws, rules, guidelines and internal instructions/manuals including on Corporate Governance is reviewed by the Audit & Ethics Committee and the Board.
Role of the Company Secretary in overall governance process:
The Company Secretary plays a key role in ensuring that the Board procedures are followed and regularly reviewed. The Company Secretary ensures that all relevant information, details and documents are made available to the Directors and senior management for effective decision-making at the meetings. The Company Secretary is primarily responsible to ensure compliance with applicable statutory requirements and is the interface between the management and regulatory authorities for governance matters. All the Directors of the Company have access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary.
Board Committees:
In Compliance with both the mandatory and non-mandatory requirements under the Listing Agreement and the applicable laws, the Board has constituted the following committees:
- Audit and Ethics Committee
- Investment Committee
- Human Resource Management Committee
- Project Appraisal Committee
- Financial Management Committee
- Business Development Committee
- Health, Safety, Environment & Social Responsibility Committee
- Corporate Governance Committee
- Risk Management Committee